Use polished plaster to evoke shining effect


Polished plaster is a term that envelope a wide range of plaster finishes. These polished plasters are used for making decorative designs on walls and ceilings. The polished plasters vary from each other. Some of the polished plasters resemble polished marbles. They can even be used for making textures. The polished plasters have been in use for a very long time.

The polished plasters are made with combination of marble dust, slaked lime and marble chips. These components give polished plaster a unique look upon finishing. New formulas are used in order to improve the quality of the polished plasters. A layer of wax can also be used to enhance the performance and appearance of polished plasters. You can also refer the site for more information.

What is venetian polished plaster?

Venetian polished plaster is a type of polished plaster that has been in use middle ages. The venetian polished plaster is used for creating stunning finishes for walls and ceilings. Venetian plasters are known by a number of names like marble plasters and polished plasters. These venetian plasters are generally smooth and shiny. They can even look like a marble. Textured designs makes venetian plasters look like stone.

How to apply polished plasters?

  • Priming: Priming is done if the surface has unrestrained suction.
  • Base coat: If priming is not required than you can use a base coat to apply on the wall.
  • Polished plaster: After applying a base coat apply a thin coat marble plaster. Make use of polished plaster in a small area to check the effect.
  • Optional polished plaster: After applying the first coat of polished plaster let it dry. After around 1-2 hours apply an additional coat of polished plaster.
  • Burnishing & soaping: Once the plaster has dried use polishing soap to burnish the plaster.
  • Waxing: After the use of polishing soap leave the plaster to harden. Later apply natural wax on the plaster.