Maintaining and Preparing Your Lawn and Landscape for Spring: A 9-Point Guide


In many places around the world, spring marks the beginning of a warm and comfortable atmosphere. It is a season that is most ideal for basking in the great outdoors. With winter finally over, spring is also the perfect time to tuck away your snow shovel and start planning for spring tasks.

Among the most important activities that homeowners take on during this time of the year are lawn and landscape maintenance. Since it is likely that the cold of winter has taken a toll on your garden and lawn, you have to help them get back on their feet.

To make sure that the grass and plants recover quickly, here is a nine-point guide from experts in lawn care Conway, AR that you can follow in order to make the most out of the season.

1.Conduct an inspection

The beginning of spring is the best time to inspect your yard. Check for broken or damaged branches and trim them when necessary. If you’re not equipped for the job, hire an expert to do it for you.

During this time, it is also wise to start testing the soil. Remember that this should be done at least once in a few years to ensure that the soil has the right pH balance and nutrient content to facilitate healthy plant growth. Seek out an agricultural extension office near you or hire a landscape or lawn care specialist for the job.

2.Get rid of debris

After inspection, the next thing you need to do is get rid of any debris left after winter. You can choose between raking and using air blowers to deal with twigs, leaves, and other debris that may have gathered. Remember to do this prior to mowing or fertilizing to avoid damaging the mower and preventing nutrients from reaching the plant roots.

3.Fertilize your lawn

Fertilizing the lawn is a decision that you should make depending on the nutritional requirements of the soil after testing. If the results indicate that additional nutrients are indeed necessary, you should pick the right fertilizer to match what needs to be supplemented.

After this, be sure to fertilize during the best time of the year, which isn’t necessarily springtime. Contrary to what some people say, fertilizing grass during spring isn’t always the best practice as there are certain grass varieties that fare better when fertilized in the fall.

Also, remember to pick controlled-release or slow-release fertilizer to limit the chance of losses and boost nutrient absorption during the process. In some cases, it might also be better to supplement with organic materials to help boost soil health.

Read the manufacturer instructions written on the label and follow these strictly. This will help ensure that you use just the right amount for the size of your lawn.

4.Control weed growth

Spring is also the best time to control weed growth. Use pre-emergent herbicides to block weeds, particularly crabgrass. After six to eight weeks, you can reapply herbicides and fertilizers and use them with a broadleaf weed killer to make sure crabgrass is tamed throughout the season.

Timing is also crucial in herbicide application. One hint is to start applying pre-emergent herbicide when forsythia is in full bloom.

5.Mow often

Mowing is another vital task that is best done during springtime. Make sure that you mow as often as possible.

Most people think that mowing only once a week would suffice. But the truth is that letting the grass grow high only to cut it later can stunt grassroots and prevent them from reproducing properly.

For best results, mow once every five days during the initial six weeks of spring. When doing so, remember to take the weather into account to make sure that your lawn is thick and lush.

6.Fertilize shrubs and trees

Aside from the grass, you’ll also need to fertilize other flora in your yard, including shrubs and trees. Make sure to use a slow-release fertilizer before mulching.

If you have an old tree that is looming over your yard, be sure to feed it several times a year in small portions. Remember that it is better to fertilize less than what’s required than go overboard as over-fertilizing can damage the tree.

7.Start mulching

After edging out the beds, trimming dead branches, and caring for your lawn, it is time for you to start mulching. Aside from making planted areas look neat, mulch also helps the soil stay moist and keep the roots cool during summer and insulated during winter.

Choose mulches that are made from hardwood bark instead of dyed ground wood chips since they will look better for longer. Remember not to mulch too close to the trees and prevent it from touching the trunks. It is also wise to avoid mulch accumulation of more than three inches in depth.

8.Avoid seeding until Fall

While it might be tempting to fill in those ugly brown patches on your lawn, you must resist the urge to re-seed. Remember that, if you’re also applying pre-emergent or weed killers, seeding will only go to waste since the grass won’t germinate during this time.

Instead, fertilize your lawn and wait a couple of weeks to see whether it can fill the brown patches. If the area is too big or takes too much time to remedy the problem, you can also choose to sod.

It is also a good idea to schedule planting annuals once the frost has passed. You can check local frost dates for your specific region to make sure it is safe to plant. Seeds that take two weeks to sprout can also be planted two weeks before the last frost date.

9.Check your irrigation system

Aside from checking and fertilizing the lawn and plants, you should also make sure that your irrigation system is functioning well. After the temperature has warmed up, you can turn on the sprinklers to see whether they are still in good working condition. If not, it may be time to seek expert help.

The takeaway

From clearing debris and mowing to fertilizing and mulching, spring is an opportune time to perform tasks that help maintain your lawn and landscape. Although maintaining your yard is a year-round endeavor, you should know the different season-specific tasks you need to accomplish to keep it green and healthy. When I doubt, ask landscaping experts in Conway, AR, for advice and help.